Launch™Box - Assistant (IA)


This all-in-one solution for aspiring consultants provides them with everything needed to break into the world of intelligent assistants (IAs). For $300 upfront and a subscription of $30/month, this comprehensive package offers three major components:

Your Own Brand:

  • Tailored Brand Elements: Including a logo, images, name, domain name, color scheme, and messaging.

  • Unique Vision Integration: A blend of best practices with your unique vision to create a standout brand presence.

Your Own Professional Website:

  • Premium Design: A website with a similar look and feel to, tailored to your brand.

  • Hassle-Free Launch: Launch anticipated between 10 to 30 days post-purchase. John Rector does all the heavy lifting. You just provide guidance and feedback.

Your Own Personalized Consulting Blueprint:

  • Receive the Consulting Blueprint in the Mail: This physical guide is filled with John Rector's most decisive and detailed insights, strategies, and best practices.

  • Work closely with John Rector to Complete the Consulting Blueprint: Engage in one-on-one coaching with John Rector to refine your blueprint, align it with your vision and style, and set actionable steps to launch your consulting business.

This Launch™Box is more than just a starter kit; it's a strategic partner in your consulting journey. With the fusion of brand, website, and blueprint, you'll have the knowledge, tools, and expert guidance to launch and thrive in your consulting career. Get started today and transform your aspirations into a successful consulting business.

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Consulting Blueprint

Your step-by-step guide to providing consulting advice as a transaction. This blueprint focuses on the essential process of engaging with a potential customer, assessing their needs, providing advice, and billing for the time spent.

Table of Contents

  1. The Consulting Transaction

  2. Preparation for Engagement

  3. Client Inquiry and Assessment

  4. Providing Advice

  5. Billing and Payment

  6. Ongoing Relationship Management

Launch™ Box - Engineer
Launch™Box - Web Designer
Launch™ Box - Advisor
Launch™ Box - Trainer
Launch™Box - Graphic Artist